- Sir Andre
- Session 009: Sir Andre explains Damjan the rules of the fair. It’s a deathmatch.
- Session 009: A guard walks Damjan to Sir Andre. He offers Damjan a new uniform to fight in to hide his identity. He agrees.
- Session 009: After a while, Sir Andre enters the room and announces the guild champion. It’s Damjan.
- Session 009: Sir Andre offers him redemption in the Ring.
- Session 009: Sir Andre recognizes his company and past war crimes.
- Session 009: Damjan meets with a scrawny donkey, named Sir Andre. He explains his story.
- Session 009: Damjan decides to join the other party to participate. They want him to speak with a higher-up in the guild.
- Session 009: Damjan is accepted as the Apothecary Champion after meeting a familiar face.