A guild of apothecaries located in Wildt. They seem to know Damjan.
- Session 009: After a while, Sir Andre enters the room and announces the guild champion. It’s Damjan.
- Session 009: Damjan has a meeting with Lemoine at the guild building.
- Session 009: Damjan decides to join the other party to participate. They want him to speak with a higher-up in the guild.
- Session 009: I ask one of the townsfolk for information of the competition. He explains there will be two rounds in the town center. The first round will be for points and the second round will be one-on-one fights. Both of the two main parties, the Apothecaries and the Mercenaries, are still looking for a champions.
- Session 009: Damjan is accepted as the Apothecary Champion after meeting a familiar face.