{ Session 013 | Overview | Session 015 }
Session 14 keypoints
- Nothing.
- The quest to break into the vault has been removed and replaced with a quest to bring back the person who succeed and stole an valuable item.
- We head to the tavern to recruit some more meatshields.
- As we speak to some recruits, another party walks in.
- The party is lead by a badger with a fancy suit and plume on her hat.
- She introduces herself a part of the Ethereal Blades.
- I ask about Arnoud and explain we met him in Opeden.
- She seems to recognize him.
- She offers join forces and split the reward 50/50.
- We offer 75/25.
- She offers 67/33 and researching the origin of the beast, due it not appearing here, implying teleportation or it existing here anyway.
- We learn that the skin is used in special armor.
- We agree 67/33.
- (+1xp)
- We’re looking for Uadh-Grith.
- We walk around. Suddenly the Mage walks on a trap.
- We identify it as Elemental Pepper Corns.
- I suggest soaking the peppers with create water.
- The peppers turned into icy-mist explosions.
- I inquire about the armor that can be constructed from the hide. It has 2d6 armor/1 stone weight.
- We successfully craft a firepepper bomb.
- We successfully craft a waterpepper bomb.
- We repeatedly fail at crafting a starpepper bomb. Twice.
- We successfully craft a firepepper bomb.
- We successfully craft a waterpepper bomb.
- I suddenly hear hissing from above the treetops.
- I point up and alert the rest of the party about snakes.
- I notice the snakes are approaching from an obelisk.
- We decide to run away from the obelisk.
- The snakes stop following us as we go far enough from the obelisk.
- We decide to bait the monster to the forest, using Ravahn’s flight to bait it.
- We notice the monster loudly snoring next to a river.
- (+1xp, (+1xp bonus for using the snakes against the monster))
- Ravahn flies above the monster and drops a stone on his head.
- The monster stands up, towering over the trees and jump towards Ravahn.
- Ravahn flies towards the Obelisk as the monster chases him through the forest.
- As the monster approaches the Obelisk, the snakes attack the monster, inflicting sick status with their venom.
- As the monster charges, it collapses, crashing through the Obelisks and clears a path through the forest.
- I inspire Damjan with focus and approach the monster.
- Kaarle approaches and shoot the monster with a pistol, injuring it,
- Damjan approaches and shoots the monster with his musket.
- Ravahn readies and strikes with create air from above.
- The Mage casts landslide, causing difficult terrain near the monster.
- Norrix runs towards the monster.
- The monster stumbles and gets up.
- I inspire Damjan with focus.
- Damjan notches a fire arrow and hits the monster, lighting it on fire.
- Kaarle inspires the Mage with focus.
- The Mage lightning bolts the monster, hardly damaging it.
- Norrix charges forward, and knocks the monster out.
- Lux coup-de-grace the monster with main gauche.
- (+1xp (+1xp bonus for strategy))
- I check the place where the Obelisk was standing.
- I notice a silver spear with Druidic inscriptions.
- Ravahn recognizes it as Gundir, the legendary spear.
- !!Do not look for legendary weapons in Lorinchem!! - The GM.
- (+1xp for session)
{ Session 013 | Overview | Session 015 }