A ragtag band of mineworkers, seeking justice and freedom, staged a daring coup against their magical overlords.. After a hard-fought battle, the mineworkers emerged victorious, and they seized control of the city. Through their courage and perseverance, they had finally earned their freedom. But the Mages had not gone quietly into the night; their leader had fled, undoubtly plotting revenge.
- Imtrud (Leader)
- Unnamed miners
- Session 006: We have teamed up with Imtrud and the Miners to take the Keep.
- Session 005: We worked together with the Mine workers to attack the keep.
- Session 004: We met with the leader of the suppressed Mine workers to plan a coup.
- Session 003: Aleksi grabs his lute “Narre is a place of divide. Between menacing Mages and many Miners. Rich and poor living under one name but divided by the north and the south.”